24-Hour Hotline:
Toll-Free: 1-800-865-9921
For more information on service, call:
(979) 260-7336 OR (800) 865-9921.
Get Involved
Join the Mission’s team of volunteers and show compassion, love, and kindness to our neighbors in need.
Providing Youth & Family Services, Life Skills Groups
and Prevention Services to Kids and Their Families
This program provides youth & family services to kids ages 0 to 17 and their families.
Services include short-term, solution-focused family services, working with individuals and family members.
To initiate services, call the office in your county, listed below, or fax a referral
(click here for referral form) to (979) 260-7336. Twenty-four-hour crisis intervention is also available in all ten counties by calling 1-800-865-9921
Universal Child Abuse Prevention U.C.A.P
This program focuses on the awareness of child abuse, with specific emphasis placed on defining abuse and neglect. This is achieved by relaying recent statistics on child abuse, neglect and existing preventative measures to help parents refrain from crossing the threshold of what is now considered child abuse and/or neglect.
What the Law says: Anyone having cause to believe that a child's physical or mental health or welfare has been or may be adversely affected by abuse or neglect MUST report the case to any state or local law enforcement agency, or to the Department of Family and Protective Services. Failure to report suspected child abuse or neglect is punishable by up to 180 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $1,000.
Reporting: Anyone who files a report of child abuse, or suspected child abuse, with Child Protective Services is immune from civil or criminal liability if the report is made in good faith and without malice. The 24-hour Child Abuse Hotline is: 1-800-252-5400 or report online at
County Offices
(979) 260-7336
(979) 777-1266
(979) 777-0938
(979) 589-0658
(979) 209-9018
(979) 209-9018
(979) 777-4216
(979) 777-0938
(979) 229-5723